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문재인 정부는 국내 첫 영리병원이 될 제주 영리병. 국내 영리병원 허용을 중단하는 일이 의료민영화 반대 공약의 첫 번째 과제다. 오늘 우리는 살을 에는 추. 건강보험 보장성 강화는 의사와 정부의 협상대상이. 의료제도 뒤흔든 박근혜 정권 머리부터. 의료제도 뒤흔든 박근혜 정권 머리부터 꼬리까지 엄벌 처해야 보건의료단체연합 연루된 책임자들에게 법적 제도적 심판을 내려야 촉구. 왜 한국 병원은 간호사를 쥐어짜게 됐나.
First and Last with Mike Golic Jr. Sports Daily with Bruce and Shane. The Drive with Bob and Jeff. Sign up for KFH Access. How to keep seeing KFH on Facebook. Never miss a story or breaking news alert! Listen at work or while you surf. Five Questions With Coach Lollar. Catching Up With Rauno Nurger. A Stadium and Baseball Update Direct From Mayor Longwell.
Greeny and Golic welcome Cris Carter, who lets Greeny wear his Hall of Fame jacket for the day. Plus, they chat with Urban Meyer and Jon Gruden. Mike and Mike, M-F 5a-9a on KFH. Sports Daily, M-F 9a-11a on KFH. KB In For Jim, Hour 3. Jim Rome Show, M-F 11a-2p on KFH. Will Aldon Smith ever play in the NFL again.
Kent Family History Society - Medway Branch. The Medway Branch has been in existence for over 12 years and is now one of the largest with a membership of over 400 out of the 3,000 plus worldwide.
The wonderful KFHS staff and I feel privile.